An apple a day keeps the doctor away! We have listened to it from our school days. Apples are very nutritious for humans, they are rich in fiber, potassium, minerals and vitamins. But the question is can Pomeranian eat apples? Yes your beloved pup can enjoy this sweet treat in moderation. Here in this guide we will share all things which you need to know about feeding apples to Pomeranian, its benefits and risks and when and how much you can feed apples to your dogs.
Are apples good for Pomeranian?
Yes apples can be good for dogs. They are a great source of vitamin C and A, minerals, potassium and copper. They are full of fiber especially their peel, which dogs maintain a healthy weight.
The amount of nutrients in three apple slice:
Nutrient | Amount per slice | Benefit |
Vitamin A | 2.25 micrograms (µg) | Supports immune system, vision and bone growth |
Vitamin C | 3.45 milligrams (mg) | Supports immune system |
Fiber | 1.6 grams (g) | Promotes a healthy gut |
If we talk about green or red apples the vet recommends green apples since ist contain more vitamin A and less sugar than red apples.
Can Pomeranian eat apples?
You should not give the whole apple to your Pomeranian as some parts of the apple are not good for them. Below chart will help you in this regards:
Apple part | Can a Pomeranian eat it? |
Flesh | Yes |
Skin | Yes |
Seeds | No. They contain cyanide. Swallowing a few seeds will not hurt your dog, but it’s best to avoid giving them any apple seeds. |
Core | No, The core contains seeds and can cause a choking hazard. |
Stem | No. It may get stuck between your dog’s teeth. It has no real nutritional value. |
Juice | Best avoided. It contains a lot of sugar and doesn’t provide the same nutritional benefits as whole apples. |
How many apples are good for your Pomeranian?
Now the awareness of the quantity of apples you will be feeding to your dog is very essential. Because excessive amounts can cause health issues. The recommended quantity of apples per day mentioned here:
Extra-small dogs like Pomeranian (2-20 lbs.) = 1-2 cubes of apple per day.
How to prepare apples for your Pomeranian❓
When you want to give apples to your dog make sure to remove the stems, seeds and core before giving to your dogs. Both people and dogs should only eat the flesh and skin of the apple.
Dogs can eat apples in these types:
Fresh: Cut the apple into bite sized pieces to prevent choking.
Mashed: Create homemade applesauce by stewing the apples.
Frozen: You can give your dog frozen apples as a treat to make them cool on a hot summer day.
Dried: For a convenient snack for you and your dog, dehydrate thin apple slices in your air fryer or oven.
As treats: If you don’t have time to dry the apples yourself, you can pick some store bought apples and provide your dog as a treat.
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Can Pomeranian Eat Apple Seeds?
Yes, your Pomeranian can eat a few apple seeds but should not exceed a certain limit because apple seeds have cyanide which is very toxic for your Pomeranian. This limit depends on the size of your Pom:
If your Pomeranian exceeds the above mentioned limits then it can be prone to cyanide poisoning whose symptoms include:
How to Feed Your Pomeranian Apples?
Make sure to remove stems, core and seeds of apples after washing them thoroughly and then cut them into tiny pieces before feeding your Pomeranian.
Here are some different ways of feeding your Pomeranian apples so that it doesn’t get bored with one way:
- Topper
You can use apples as food topper in your Pomeranian’s usual food
- Smoothie
Mix tiny apple pieces with some other favorite fruits of your Pomeranian and then give it to your pup.
- Yogurt
Blend the apple pieces cut after being washed with fresh yogurt and then serve it to your Pomeranian.
- Icecream
Freeze the tiny apply pieces and then mix them with fresh yogurt to make a dog ice cream and most probably your pomeranian would love it.
- Dehydrated Apples
You can feed your Pomeranian dehydrated apple pieces if you have a dehydrator at your home. Don’t purchase these dehydrated apple pieces from shops because they have a large amount of sugar so prefer making them at your home and feeding it to your Pom in small quantities.
Is an Apple bad for Pomeranian teeth?
Some people think that the sugar found in apples can be bad for our dog’s teeth. But this is unlikely. The water contained in apples will wash away the sugar from the mouth, making apples safe for teeth’s. The apple skin works like a toothbrush.
Can dogs have applesauce or apple chips?
Other foods made with apples like applesauce and apple chips are less nutritious forms of apples. Store bought apple chips contain sugar that have no fiber. Store bought applesauce have good water content but also have much sugar and no fiber.
These combinations can cause weight gain and diabetes. However homemade sauce and chips and store bought which have no sugar are fine for dogs but in moderation.
Are some dogs allergic to apples?
Dogs are primarily allergic to protein in food. Apples have a very low protein amount. So it’s possible dogs are not allergic to apples.
Are apples bad for Pomeranian?
Although apples are not toxic to dog but large amount can cause an upset stomach due to high sugar and high fiber content. Keep an eye on symptoms of upset stomach:
Other fruits that are safe for Pomeranian and other dogs
If your dog do not like apples then you can offer them these fruits that are safe for them:
Fruits that Pomeranian Can Eat But Risky for Your Pup
- Avocado
Due to a toxin called Persin, it’s fatal for cattle but not harmful for dogs but you shouldn’t take a risk because it does have a toxin.
- Apricot
Its seed is toxic and it is very difficult to separate the edible part from the seed and you can’t give the complete fruit to your Pomeranian to its fatal seed.
- Tomatoes
The green leaves of tomatoes are very toxic so keep your Pomeranian away from tomatoes especially from their toxic green leaves.
- Olives
Pits of olives have a high amount of sodium which is toxic and poisonous for your canine companion so you need to ensure that your Pomeranian shouldn’t eat pitted olive.
Fruits That are Toxic For Pomeranians💥
The seed of Cherry contains cyanide and it’s very difficult to remove its seed hence it’s not good for your Pomeranian.
They are poisonous and fatal for your canine companion
Triglycerides in coconut are harmful for your Pomeranian as they can damage your pup’s intestine.
It’s also toxic for Pomeranian’s health and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression etc.
It’s also very poisonous and fatal for your Pomeranian
Apples are very healthy and a good breakfast for your dogs. Pomeranian can eat apples but make sure these serve them in a natural way without preservation and store bought apples can contain sugar that is toxic to them. So, make sure to give them plain apples and must remove stem, core and seeds before giving them to the dogs.
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