Can Pomeranian Eat Broccoli

Broccoli is a human food, can Pomeranian eat broccoli?  Yes, Poms can eat broccoli both raw and cooked. Few things you should consider when serving these veggies to your Pom. Which you will find in our guide, including all about the benefits and drawbacks of broccoli for Poms, how to serve it and how much is safe for dogs. Read it to know all these!

Can Pomeranian eat broccoli?

Can Pomeranian Eat Broccoli

Pomeranian can eat broccoli but in small quantities. Green vegetables including broccoli are healthy treats for dogs. Broccoli is high in Vitamin C and fiber that are very good for bones and gut health. But owners should give it to their dogs in moderation, because it contains a substance called isothiocyanate that can cause digestive issues if consumed in large quantities. However, if broccoli causes stomach upset in your pet, it’s better to avoid feeding it. 

Is broccoli good for Pomeranian? Benefits of broccoli for Pomeranian

Broccoli is a healthy vegetable for humans, but it’s healthy for dogs too. It contains many health nutrients for the dogs. The given table is showing the benefits of broccoli for dogs:

NutrientBenefit for dogs
Vitamin KThis vitamin is very good for bone strength.
Vitamin CThis can help lower inflammation and boost the immune system.
PotassiumThis crucial electrolyte works to extract energy from food.
Calciumhelps  to build healthy teeth, bones and muscles.
FiberThis helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract and regulate blood pressure.

Broccoli is safe for dogs but it should be free from additives like oil and seasonings that are not safe ingredients for dogs and can cause an upset stomach. And consumption of broccoli by dogs should be in moderation, as a treat. 

Can Broccoli be dangerous to Pomeranian?

Can Pomeranian Eat Broccoli

Broccoli is not good because it contains a substance called isothiocyanate that can cause digestive issues if consumed in large quantities. If your dog has consumed too much broccoli the symptoms will show like tummy upset or other signs of stomach issues. 

You should stay near your pup when it is eating broccoli because the stem of it can cause choking hazards. If you notice any unusual situation, contact your vet as soon as possible. 

Can Pomeranian eat Raw Broccoli?

Can Pomeranian Eat Broccoli

Dogs can eat raw broccoli florets. But wash it properly then cut them into small pieces they are nutritious and safe to your pup. In Fact broccoli keeps beneficial nutrients for dogs if eaten raw or steamed. 

Can Pomeranian eat steamed or cooked broccoli?

Can Pomeranian Eat Broccoli

Poms can safely eat steamed or cooked broccoli. If you steamed broccoli for only a few minutes it will have more nutrients than if you cook it. But it’s safe for your dog in every way. 

Make Sure that broccoli is not too hot otherwise it can burn the tongue of the dog. And serve the broccoli to your dog without seasoning and oil. These additives are unhealthy and toxic for dogs. 

Can Pomeranian eat broccoli stems?

Broccoli stems are not toxic but it’s not the best part of broccoli for dogs. Broccoli stems can cause choking hazards and also can blockage the intestines. When you serve the stems to your dog make sure to cut them into small pieces so that they can easily chew it and digest it.

Can broccoli cause allergies in Pomeranian?

Can Pomeranian Eat Broccoli

Some foods can cause allergies in dogs. The signs of allergies include skin issues, rashes and ear infections. If your dog is eating broccoli for the first time you should note the symptoms of food intolerance in dogs, which are different from allergies, symptoms of food intolerance include diarrhea and vomiting. 

How much broccoli can a Pomeranian eat?

Broccoli is safe for the dogs but remember everything is safe in moderation. Even a healthy treat like broccoli should also be the 10% of a dog’s diet. The 90% consist of a dog’s balanced dog food diet. The Pomeranian should eat:

Broccoli for Poms = one to two pieces (½-inch wide by ¼-inch thick)

What to do if your Pomeranian eats too much broccoli?

If your Pomeranian accidently eaten too much broccoli then keep an eye on the following symptoms of upset stomach:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Acting depressed
  • Looking uncomfortable
  • Gulping and licking their lips or objects
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive diarrhea
  • Blood in their vomit or stool
  • Weakness
  • Collapse

If you find any symptoms from the above  list in your dog, contact your vet right away. 

How to safely feed broccoli to Pomeranian?

Follow these tips to feed broccoli to Poms:

  • Wash the broccoli thoroughly to remove the bacteria and contaminants.
  • Cut the raw broccoli in bite sized pieces to make it easy to chew for your dog.
  • If you serve cooked broccoli make sure to lightly boil or steamed it to retain the nutrients.
  • Avoid serving them hot broccoli because it can burn your dog’s tongue so, let it cool.
  • Serve the plain broccoli to your dog  without any additives like seasonings or fats.
  • Make sure to feed them in small portions, and keep check for any sign of gastric distress.

Other vegetables dogs can eat

  • Beets
  • Bell peppers
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Corn
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potatoes
Throwback Pomeranians


In short, Pomeranian can eat broccoli but in small quantities. Green vegetables including broccoli are healthy treats for dogs. Broccoli is high in Vitamin C and fiber that are very good for bones and gut health. But owners should give it to their dogs in moderation, because it contains a substance called isothiocyanate that can cause digestive issues if consumed in large quantities. However, if broccoli causes stomach upset in your pet, it’s better to avoid feeding it.

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Frozen broccoli can cause choking hazards so, let it melt and cut it into small pieces before giving it to your pup.

Yes, sprouts are safe for dogs, that is baby broccoli plants. They contain high amounts of nutrients that help to reduce inflammation and to prevent cancer. 

If you have a puppy then don’t feed broccoli to him because puppies have sensitive stomachs and they can digest only specific food so avoid feeding human food to them, because it can cause diarrhea. 

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