Pomeranian known for their lovely personalities, luxury coats and wonderful companions. However like other dog breeds the Pomeranian can also be prone to health issues including ear infections. Here we will discuss Pomeranian ear problems, ear size, care and cleaning. So be with us to know all about Pomeranian ears.
Pomeranian Ear Size
Pomeranian have small erect ears, triangle shaped, pointed ears. According to the AKC rule it should be small, mounted high and carried erect.
While most of the show Pomeranian have very small ears. Pet Pomeranian come in a range of ear size, from very small as you will see in the shows to very large ears like foxes.
The size of the Pomeranian ear is genetic: and the best way to know if your Pomeranian ear will be small and large ears is to see its parents.
The below picture will be helpful to know the Pomeranian ears in detail:
Change in Pomeranian ears from puppy to adult
Every pomeranian has their own size and shape of ears and when a pomeranian matures their ears will grow as well.
Pomeranian puppies ears will be small in relation to his overall face. If they have large ears genetically they will spring up to more of a point. No matter the final adult size it should be triangle in shape and erect.
Why Pomeranian have small Ears?
According to the breed standard the Pomeranain ears should be small. Because they originated from the Northern Hemisphere where temperature is as low as minus 30. Degrees in winter.
Small ears enable the Pomeranians to survive in the frozen cold where they need the low ratio of volume to surface area.
Puppy Ears won’t stand Erect
Erect ears are such a strong trait with the Pomeranian breed so it’s very rare for the Pomeranian puppy to have floppy ears. It will be due to bad breeding practice if this happens they most likely will not evolve into erect ears.
However during the teething stage (4 or 5 months to 8-9 months) the ears can be affected. They may stand at some times, but in some cases they can floppy a bit at others.
In these cases the muscles will strengthen and they can stand erect by the 12 months mark.
Floppy ears can occur due to heavy hair growing on the actual ears. If it is too heavy the ears will flop down. Other reasons are genetics and poor breeding.
Pomeranian Ears Problems and Infections
There are many types of issues that can occur with ears. Some are common and some of them are rare. Let’s dive in!
Ear hematoma (shriveled ears)
The meaning of the oral is “ear” and the hematoma means “blood filled area”. This mostly occurs when due to injury such as hitting the ears with something and even when excessive head shaking.
In this condition the blood fills between the skin and the dog ears cartilage. Without treatment some part of the ear can shrink and the ear will be like a cauliflower ear. When it happens it will be permanent so treatment is very important.
In the 20% to 30% of cases the hematoma will reappear the treatment will be repeated.
Parasites are also a problem that a pomeranian has to bear. In the parasite include ear mites, Mange and scabies.
1.Ear Mites
Ear mites are one of the most common types of ear infection and cna usually spread to other pets in the house.
Ear mites are tiny crabs like parasites that can invade the ear canal of dogs. They live on the surface of the skin but they can spread to the skins of the body. When it occurs the dog suffers from itching on the back, tail and neck areas.
This can happen at any age even though they are common in puppies.
Mange lives in the hair follicles in all dogs. A dam can transfer them to a puppy within the first week of their lives. Whether it will be a problem or not will depend on the ability of the dog to keep them under control.
It can occur when your dog has a weak immune system or most often in young puppies without fully developing.
In most dogs it will often heal when the puppies get older and their immune system gets stronger. In adult dogs it’s important to consult with the vet.
Note: this mange is not contagious.
This occurs by particular mites called sarcoptes scabiei mite, that ar contagiou skin parasites. This infection can be quickly spread from dog to dog. And even can transmit in cats and humans as well.
Until the problem will not be resolved, isolate your dog from other animals and members of the family. The treatment of the scabies are special shampoos and dips prescribed by the vet. Treatment spray can also need the entire house. Sheets, bedding, and clothing should be washed in the washing machine with hot water.
Fleas live in the whole body of the dog but have an itching problem in the ears. They just love the wet dark environment there.
Pomeranian Ear Infections
All dogs can face an ear infection in their lifetime. Most infections are caused by bacteria: though yeast also can be a reason.
Ear infection can occur in the middle ear or inner ear and can be very painful.
The primary cause of ear infection in dogs is bacteria. Though yeast and fungi can be to blame.
It can be tricky because two top elements can cause the dog to develop an ear infection are build up of wax and excessive cleaning. So it’s important to make a schedule to clean the dog’s ears.
The other cause is the excess moisture in the ears. So place a cotton in the ears when giving them the baths. Allergies, reactions to medications, viruses, thyroid disorders, autoimmune disease, endocrine disorders, and foreign bodies in the ear are also the causes of ear infection.
The most common signs of ear infection including:
Some other signs also:
There are so many types of ear infections some vet may prescribe the tests. The test should include:
Caring and Cleaning Pomeranian’s Ears
The most important thing to prevent ear infection is cleaning, preventing moisturizer, from entering into the ear canal and inspecting them on a regular basis.
If moisturizer makes its way into the ear canal, it can cause bacteria and yeast:warm, dark and wet.
So, it’s very important to place a loose piece of cotton in the Pomeranian outer ear canal before bath. There is no need to place it deep; the goal is to only block the way to pass the water, shampoo and conditioner and other elements from entering the ears.
Some owners don’t clean their ears and think that there is no issue if it is untreated. And it is true that ear wax can be helpful in trapping fine debris particles.
However recommended proper hygiene and to help prevent ear infection routinely clean the ears. If the infection is gathering, the cleaning can block it. It’s not a difficult task, it can be easy and there’s very little to go wrong, as long as you use the right products and follow the instructions.
How often
You should clean your Pomeranian’s ear every 4 weeks. If they are prone to infection you may clean them 2 to 3 weeks.
What you ‘ll need
You will only need two things:
You should use a very soft product that does not dry out the inner skin of your dog.
Final Words
Every pet owner wants his beloved pet to remain healthy and happy. To keep them healthy you should take care of them. If they have any symptoms of any diseases take them to the vet right away. Ear infection or diseases are also very common in Pomeranian breeds. With these issues your pup feels difficulty to live a better life. Follow all our tricks and tips to prevent these infections. Stay happy with your pup!
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