Pomeranian Hair Growth

Pomeranian are known for their luxurious fluffy coats. They have thick double coats that are one of the most defining features. The Pomeranian dog’s fur is thick, strong and soft to touch. They have long hair that needs regular grooming to best hair growth. Various factors that can affect the length and thickness of your dog’s fur, so it’s important to understand those factors. In this guide we will explain all the factors and how they affect Pomeranian hair growth

Pomeranian Hair Growth

Understanding the Pomeranian Coat🐶

Before moving forward you should first know the anatomy of a Pomeranian coat. 

There are two layers of Pomeranian coat, inner layer and outer layer:

The inner layer💥

The inner coat is tightly packed, short, soft fur that provides warmth in the winter. When a Pomeranian dogs shed most of the shedding is coming from this layer. So not all hair will fall into the floor and many will be trapped in the coat. 

The outer layer

The outer layer consists of long guard hair. These have a little bit coarser texture but do not feel dry or rough. When the coat is in a good shape, they will stand out to a unique degree, creating a nice full look. Outer layers can be trimmed to give their coat a nice look. 

Shedding and hair growth💈

Pomeranian Hair Growth

Another element to know about the shedding, refreshness and hair regrowth of Pomeranian.

The adult Pomeranian sheds from light to moderate throughout the year and heavy shedding almost once a year(early spring). This shedding affects the under coats. Proper brushing and steps to ensure coat health will help this recurrent process. 

However, outer coats with longer hair also go through a natural cycle of growth, take rest and fall like human hair. If the new hair will not grow the coat will look thin and hairless.

Pomeranian Coat Grooming Needs🐕

Pomeranian Hair Growth

Pomeranian coat grooming is playing a vital role in dog’s hair growth. Regular coat brushing will prevent knots, hair breakages and tangles. This coat care will be helpful in regrooming the hair. Brush the Pomeranian coat as done as possible. 

Bath them regularly, and if their coats are muddy then it’s more important to do it. Keep in mind the coat dirt can prevent hair growth in Pomeranian.

Use dog’s friendly shampoo and conditioner for your dog’s fur. The conditioner will help to remove and prevent mats and tangles. After bathing, dry your pup with a soft towel, to avoid rubbing the fur that can cause damage and tangles. 

Pomeranian hair loss Causes🐱‍👤

Pomeranian Hair Growth

Some conditions that can cause Pomeranian hair loss. Here are some reason of Pomeranian hair fall:


Stress is one of the causes of Pomeranian hair loss. Make sure to take good care of your dog, provide them plenty of exercise, and to keep them safe, supervise them in playtime. This can reduce the chance of stressful events. 


Parasites such as mange and ringworms can also be the reasons for hair loss in Pomeranian. Sometimes the hair follicles can develop an infection that can cause hair fall. 

Medical conditions🎗

Pomeranian Hair Growth

Medical conditions in dogs can also be to blame. Some health issues like diabetes, hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease can cause your dog’s hair to fall. Pomeranian can also develop alopecia; the cause of this type of hair fall is unknown

Nutritional deficiency🥑

Nutritional deficiencies can also become the reason for Pomeranian hair fall. There are several nutrients that directly affect the dog’s coat health and hair growth. The nutrients are Protein, Biotin, Iron and Omega 3 fatty acids. If your dog is not taking these nutrients they can be affected by hair growth issues. 

Bad Grooming Experience🎀

Sometimes bad grooming experience can also be the reason for hair fall and can affect the hair regrowth. Sometimes an owner says to a  groomer to trim the hair in short form and they cut off all the guard hair and shave the Pomeranian down. And you will see your dog without their beautiful hair gone. 

In this way the hair growth becomes very slow and maybe very uneven. So always choose a professional groomer for your pup.

Seasonal Shedding

Pomeranian Hair Growth

Usually Pomeranians undergo a shedding period two times every year but some Pomeranians may shed more than 2 times. 

Moreover, Poms living in drastic weather conditions undergo more shedding than those residing in balanced living environments.

Female Hormones🐾

The hormone level of female Pomeranians change during the heat cycle so they may shed their fur during or after their heat cycle which is also referred to as “ blowing her coat”.

Apart from that, after giving birth to puppies, a female pomeranian may shed its fur.

Allergies 🎇

Due to allergies, fur of Pomeranians becomes dry and itchy which causes shedding.

Red Mange🐕

Due to this Pomeranian develops an allergic reaction to microscopic mites that live on it.

Pomeranian dog food & supplements for hair Growth🧀

Pomeranian Hair Growth

If you provide them fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits along with plenty of protein, his coat will be in good condition every way.

The seasonal vegetable and fruits will provide an entire range of minerals, vitamins that your dog needs to become healthy. Making sure to add foods rich in zinc, copper and other natural elements of food is also very beneficial. 

To grow and maintain hair your Pomeranian should eat seeds, grains and raw nuts. These foods supply many minerals and vitamins that the other processed food does not provide.

Protein rich food, fresh vegetables and fruits and other healthy foods such as wheat germ, molasses, yogurt and honey make a big difference in external and internal looks and health. 

Supplements also play a great role in hair health. Supplements including vitamin B6, inositol, folic acids, and biotin you should give to your dog.

Another vitamin essential for the dog’s hair growth is beta-carotene, its turn in vitamin A when the body needs it. This vitamin helps with growth of hair, nails and skin. This vitamin is found in yellow and green vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins Important for Pomeranian Hair Growth🥧

Vitamin B🎀

Adding vitamin B supplements to your Pom’s food can save your pup from various hair problems. Some food items that are enriched with vitamin B include:

Pomeranian Hair Growth
  • Peas
  • Nuts 
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Beans
  • Green Vegetables

Vitamin C🍜

It contains antioxidants which assist in tissue repair and growth. It boosts immune system and helps in digestion of Vitamin B. Some food items that are enriched with vitamin C include:

Pomeranian Hair Growth

  • Berries
  • Oranges
  • Limes
  • Lemons
  • Melons
  • Tomatoes
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumbers

Vitamin A🥗

Vitamin A does wonders on your Pomeranian’s fur so make sure that your Pom is taking Vitamin A regularly. Some food items that are enriched with vitamin A include:

Pomeranian Hair Growth

  • Carrot
  • Squash
  • Apricots
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Broccoli

Vitamin E🍚

It causes an increase in hair growth and also saves your Pomeranian from several heart issues. Some food items that are enriched with vitamin E include:

Pomeranian Hair Growth

  • Nuts
  • Whole Grains
  • Legumes
  • Rice Brain
  • Avocados
  • Dark Green Vegetables

Vitamin K 🥑

It keeps your Poemranian’s bones, muscle, hair, teeth and gums healthy. Some food items that are enriched with vitamin K include:

Pomeranian Hair Growth

  • Brewers’ yeast 
  • Figs
  • Asparagus
  • Diary Foods
  • Sea Food
  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Egg Yolks
  • Cabbage
  • OatMeal
  • SoyBeans
  • Rye 
  • Yogurt
  • Wheat
  • Dark leafy green vegetables
  • Brussels Sprouts

Tips how to promote Pomeranian hair Growth🐶🐕‍🦺

Here are some tips that will be very helpful for you to grow your Pomeranian hair:

  1. Feed your dog a healthy balanced diet that will be free from lots of fats and sugar.
  2. Avoid unnecessary handling, combing, and brushing.
  3. Have a good bathing routine, avoid excessive bathing.
  4. Make sure to avoid hot water, hot dryer and other hair gadgets that stress the dog’s hair.
  5. Add good probiotics in a dog’s diet.
  6. Make sure of regular trimming of long coats to avoid having split ends. In this way your dog’s coat feels fresh and healthier. 
  7. Provide their coats weekly massage with warm oil. This stimulates the hair follicles and helps to protect the hair. 
  8. Make sure to brush the coats on a regular basis to prevent from matting and tangles. 

pomeranian hair growth

Final Words🐾

Pomeranian are known for their luxurious fluffy coats. They have thick double coats that are one of the most defining features. The Pomeranian dog’s fur is thick, strong and soft to touch. They have long hair that needs regular grooming to best hair growth.

With the help of our tips you can take care of your dog’s fur. In this guide I gave answers to all questions that an owner asked about Pomeranian hair growth. Take care of your dog’s coat to keep them healthy, shiny and beautiful. 

pomeranian hair growth


Balanced diet is very essential to promoting hair growth. Make sure your dog’s meals are rich in high quality protein, essential nutrients and healthy fats.

Your dog’s hair will not long until his adult coat is grown in. This process is completed by the age of one year. With some dogs it can be up to the age of 14 months. 

Hair is 89% protein. I suggest that you, to grow the hair, give your dog a balanced diet containing healthy protein and vitamins K,C,B, and E. 

pomeranian hair growth

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