Pomeranian Nose Color: The Pomeranian is the most popular dog breed that is known for their wide range of coat colors. However, the nose color of Pomeranian also quite interesting as well. Keep on reading the article, for knowing the fun and remarkable details of possible Pomeranian nose colors.
Amazing Canine Noses👃
The canine noses are made of skin, however the dog’s body has five (5) layers of skin and the nose has only three (3) layers. It is sometimes referred to as leather, and assumed to be tough and strong and the nose is rather delicate.
The dry skin on the nose can quickly develop into issues, so you need to use a quality nose butter to keep it healthy. The outer layer of the dog nose which has grooves is called stratum corneum. The pattern of grooves is unique for each dog and no two are alike.
Although, it is normal for a dog’s nose to fluctuate between dry and moist, but it is also true that the wetness on the nose does help in picking up the direction of smell. We all know that dogs have much better sense than humans, their average sense is 100,000 times better. They have a number of scent receptors which make them better sensors.
Pomeranian Nose Colors🐶
AKC Breed Standard
Although, there is much more to nose colors than that of the standard tells us, lets see what the standard says:
Nose : Pigment is black except for the self-color in chocolate, beaver and blue. There are 4 accepted nose colors of Pomeranian.
If the nose color of a Pomeranian is not chocolate, beaver or blue, then it should be black. All Pomeranian dogs except brown (chocolate), beaver and blue should have black noses.
Self-Colored Noses
The term “self-colored” means that Pomeranian with chocolate, beaver and blue coats will have the same nose color as their coat. There are some Pomeranians that will have chocolate, beaver or blue noses, but they don’t show any of those colors of their coat.
In many but not in all cases, the coat of the pomeranian will be brown. This can war from light to dark brown. If the nose is dark brown, even if the coat seems light, then the Pomeranian will be a chocolate.
There are many other coat colors that come with a brown noses,
Beaver is a diluted chocolate, because it holds a dilution gene. With other dog breeds, this color is referred to as liver. A Pomeranian with a beaver color nose will have a nose that is light brown.
Blue is a diluted black, a blue nose Pomeranian will have a blue coat. Their eye rims, ears and paw pads are also blue.
Pomeranian With Black Noses
This is the most common color of the Pomeranian nose color, though that does not take anything away from how beautiful it is. When the nose is black, then the other skin points are also black such as eye rims and paw pads. With black nose, any moisture will be very apparent, making the nose super shiny.
When the first layer of the black nose Pomeranian is damaged, then the second layer of their nose turns pink. There can be acute damage such as a burn from sun that causes the top layer to peel off.
Pomeranian With Blue Noses
Blue is so exciting, because it is very rare and so charming. At first look, you may think that this is a black Pomeranian, but when you see it closely, you may notice that this is a dead giveaway.
With black Pomeranian, the coat and the nose will be a deep dark black that can not be mistaken for anything else. It is a gorgeous color for both the nose and the coat. When blue is compared side by side, the result is a subtle black that creates a gorgeous steel navy hue.
If you are not sure about the coat and want to identify the nose color, then the best way is to bring your Pomeranian outside into bright sunlight. Their nose will not reveal its blue color indoors. Just two Pomeranian with recessive blue genes can develop blue puppies.
Pomeranian With Lavender Noses
Lavender is a very rare and lovely color of Pomeranian, but it is not an accepted color. When breeders produce Lavender, since there is no check off box for this color. The breeder must choose the color that most closely matches. It is not proven what produces this rare color. It is thought to be a diluted blue or it may be tied to a diluted beaver.
Sometimes, a Lavender Pomeranian also has chocolate in her genes. Therefore, we often assume that chocolate is involved in some way. At first look, the nose of this Pomeranian may look black. When you compare this nose with the black, then you will see that this nose is not black at all.
Pomeranian With Chocolate Noses
This is the 2nd most common nose color of Pomeranian. This is also one of those nose colors that can have a huge variation in its hues. Chocolate is self-coloring, so a Pomeranian with a chocolate nose will have a brown coat. If you see a Pomeranian with a brown nose, then they clearly have chocolate in the coat either as a solid.
Sometimes, it is chocolate siblings that are present. Sibling refers to dark tipped hairs, while this is most often seen black tipped hairs. The brown color is genetically expressed in the nose tip and the skin pigmentation.
Pomeranian With Beaver Noses
Beaver is a diluted chocolate, this color exists in many other dog breeds. Beaver is a diluted gene that affects both coat and skin pigmentation. If two Pomeranian carry just 1 dilute gene each, they can produce a puppy that holds 2.
Beaver is a common nose color of Pomeranian. There is a wide range of tones to beaver, ranging from very light to very dark. In some cases, the beaver color becomes so dark that it looks like chocolate. Many beaver colored noses are very light due to the light shine and sheen of this hue.
Pomeranians with Two-Toned Noses🐕🦺
There are three reasons for the two-color combination of Pomeranian’s nose:
Merle Gene causes the coloring to be splashed so there are chances of expression of Merle gene in the form of coloring on Pomeranian’s nose if it does have that gene.
If a Pomeranian has a parti gene then it will definitely cause creation of two colors on the Pomeranian’s nose.
The Pom’s nose can remain pink throughout the year if it’s discolored and often called “summer nose” or “winter nose” but if a Pomeranian does not have Merle or Parti Gene, then discoloration is a clear sign of a two-toned nose.
Causes of Discoloration➕
The mystery of finding which vitamin or mineral deficiency causes discoloration is still not resolved but if you make sure that your Pomeranian is taking only best-quality food and you are providing him with all the essential vitamins and minerals, its nose can revert back to black.
Pomeranian’s nose color is also highly dependent on sunshine that is why most Pomeranians have darker noses in summer as compared to that in winter.
Hence, it’s important to go out with your Pom in sunny weather so that it’s nose doesn’t undergo discoloration.
Giving food and water to your Pomeranian in a plastic bowl is another important reason for Pom’s nose discoloration but now the percentage of this reason causing nose discoloration is very less because people are giving awareness through social media and many other means.
Pomeranian is the world’s most popular dog breed that are known for their small size and beautiful color combination. This breed first originated in Germany, Poland. They are very loving, intelligent, active, curious, independent and playful. They make a good pet for almost all families. They don’t show aggression towards children and create an example of love.
One of the most interesting facts about this breed is their nose color. The nose color of Pomeranian mostly depends on their coat color. The 4 most common nose colors of Pomeranian are black, brown, beaver and blue. Pomeranian is the best dog breed for those families who want an adorable and active dog.