Pomeranian Seizures

Pomeranian are small size dogs that come in a variety of colors. They are famous for fun personalities and fluffy coats.  But unfortunately they are prone to health issues including Seizures. When a pomeranian experiences a seizure, it can be scary even for their owner. It’s very important to know the signs. Pomeranian seizures can be dangerous if left untreated. So owners should know about signs, prevention and treatment of Seizure. So be with us to know all about these.

Pomeranian Seizures

pomeranian seizures๐Ÿถ

Seizure is a common health issue of Pomeranian. Epilepsy is possible in these diseases and epilepsy means repeated seizures. In the pomeranian the seizures develop due to head injury. For instance, if a pomeranian  puppy was dropped in the young age, it may experience seizures throughout its life. 

If your pomeranian experiences a seizure talk to your vet. He will give you advice on how to keep your pet safe during seizures and whether surgery, medication and other treatment can be helpful to manage their pomeranian health issues. 

What can cause Seizures in Pomeranian?๐Ÿค

  • Eating poison
  • Liver disease
  • Low or high blood sugar
  • Kidney disease
  • Head injury
  • Encephalitis
  • Electrolyte problems
  • Anemia
  • Strokes
  • Brain cancer
Pomeranian Seizures

Symptoms of the Pomeranian Seizures๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ’ฆ

The symptoms can include collapsing, stiffening, tongue chewing, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, drooling, jerking, chomping, or foaming at the mouth. In these conditions dogs can fall to the side and make paddling motions through their legs. They sometimes urine during the seizure. And they are also not aware of their surroundings. 

Some dogs may seem unsteady, dazed or confused and before seizure stare off into space. After this your dogs may be temporarily blind, disoriented, or wobbly. He can walk in circles and bump his head. 

What are the types of dog Pomeranian Seizures?๐ŸŒŸ

Pomeranian Seizures

 Most common type of seizure is Tonic-clonic. It has 2 phases: severe or mild.

1.First phase(Tonic)๐Ÿ’ฅ

Pomeranian Seizures


In this condition the dog will enter in the Grand Mall Phase in which they can fall to the floor unconsciously. It’s a very serious condition where a dog can stop breathing. If the breathing is not restarted within 30 seconds then CPR must be performed. 


In the milder tonic phase the dogs may fall down, but will not be unconscious and breathe normally. 

2.Second phase(Clonic)๐Ÿพ

In phase two โ€œclonicโ€ the dog will show very particular signs. Some of them include running in place, excessive drooling, unresponsiveness, odd movements of the jaws, and very enlarged pupils. 

3.Petit Mal๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

Rare and other types of seizures there is a condition called petit mal: this is a very short dog seizure, in which the dog will lose muscle control and their brain will enter the stage of staring

4. Partial seizures๐Ÿฑ

Partial seizures can occur in dogs. Their signs may be similar to the 2nd phase of the tonic-clonic type. This includes walking in place and  will show muscle spasms in any part of the body including limbs, back or head. 

During this type, a dog can repeat motions like biting in the thin air and barking. 

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5.Epilepticus seizure๐Ÿ””

The most rare and serious Status Epilepticus seizure that is usually fatal. The dog will enter in a strong seizure that lasts for more than half an hour. Some dogs will not recover. This type can occur when your dog will eat a high amount of chocolate and or other toxins. Sadly this type hardly can be avoided. So if you have a pomeranian dog you should take care of him and place all the toxic things from the dog’s access.

What should I do If my Pomeranian has a Seizures?๐Ÿ’‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿฉ

Pomeranian Seizures

This condition can be scary and against human instinct, stay calm. Remove all the things that can hurt your dog like furniture. Shut off any noises immediately such as TV, music etc. Shut off the bright lights. 

Speak in a gentle and comfortable voice. Put a thin pillow under the dogโ€™s head. You must have all the necessary information which your vet can ask, like when it happened, how long it lasted for, all signs and what your dog was doing just before the seizures. Bring your Pomeranian to the vet or nearest animal hospital.

Common treatment of Pomeranian Seizures๐Ÿถ

Pomeranian Seizures

After performing a physical checkup and blood test, if you find your dog has epilepsy are treated with phenobarbital or potassium bromide. But the phenobarbital can cause liver damage if taken over a long time period. So the vet will keep the dose as low as possible and keep checking on it. 

For this to run a blood test every 4 to 6 months to check for any potential liver problem. Potassium bromide also has some side effects like weakness, sleepiness and loose coordination. 

Alternative treatments๐Ÿ’‰

To choose alternative treatment, talk  with your vet, because there are many holistic remedies, mostly unproven. While some owners report good results and others say it’s not good. So, take suggestion from your vet in this case, choose one at a time to focus on:

Change the diet๐Ÿฅ—

Pomeranian Seizures

Diet change can also help in reducing seizures. Some people think that eating food high in fat calms down some parts of the brain. The use of omega-3 fatty foods such as fish can also help to stop seizures. Additionally chemical and additives free diet can also help in stopping the seizures.


There are some promising theories that DMG (n, n dimethyl-glycine); Choline;  melatonin,magnesium, phosphatidylserine; and vitamins A,B and C complex work together to help control seizures.

Pomeranian Seizures


The people who suggest this are to do a session every 4 to 5 weeks for 25 minutes. Amazingly this session many dogs find relaxation. Dog’s acupuncturists often use sound, lightning or smell(levander) to relax their canine client. 

OTC elements

Although there is no proof that this method will aid in stopping seizures, some dog owners who claim that skullcap, chamomile,  valerian, oat straw, milk thistle and/or ginkgo biloba given in capsule form may be helpful. 


This is a method to give the dog a substance that will produce a seizure in a dog without epilepsy. Some studies show that Belladonna 200C works in some canines. 

How to Preventing a Pomeranian Seizures๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

Pomeranian Seizures

Here are some things that you can do:

  1. Dogs that have diagnosed seizure, should not receive vaccination unless there is no necessary reason. 
  2. Remove any toxic that your Pomeranian can inhale, including car exhaust, second hand smoke, chloride which is  around pools in the air and chemical flea control.
  3. Try to keep a calm and comfortable environment  in the house that will not put stress on your Pomeranian.

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Pomeranian Seizures


Seizure is the most common health issue of Pomeranian. It can be fatal so take care of your pup. First of all diagnose the issue and if your dog has the seizures problem take him to the vet and start treatment. If your pup has a mild problem then catch it from the start so it can prevent it from being very severe. make sure to use precaution measures to keep your Pomeranian safe and healthy. 

Pomeranian Seizures


The causes of seizure in dogs include blood abnormalities, such as anemia, low blood sugar, brain tumor, cancer, trauma to the brain, exposure to toxins and metabolic disease. 

If your dog is having seizures protect him from dangers, and protect them from anything from which they can hurt themselves like move furniture and clear the area, noise to a minimum and keep lighting low and avoid touching them.

The most common medication is phenobarbital because with good success it has been used for many years.

Pomeranian Seizures

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