Shaved Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is the world’s most popular dog breed. Pomeranian puppies have a short and soft puppy coat. During the growing period their coats look uneven and sparse. When Pomeranian are full grown, they take the final adult coat that is luxurious and relatively long.

Sometimes the coat can be trimmed to look neat and tidy. It should not be shaved, because shaving is a bad idea as it entails the risk of compromising the protective functionalities of the dog’s coat. Today in this article, we will study in detail about the shaving of Pomeranian. 

Understanding The Pomeranian Coat

Pomeranian’s unique double-coats make them so iconic. Their coat consist of two layers;

Undercoat : Undercoat a dense, soft layer that provides insulation. 

Overcoat : A longer, coarser layer that protects against environmental elements.

The main function of the double coat of the Pomeranian is to protect them from cold and heat. 

Should Pomeranian Be Shaved

shaved pomeranian

Pomeranian should not be shaved, especially if it is for the sake of aesthetics. There are few expectations, in which it could be right to shave your Pomeranian includes, shaving to deal with excessive mating.    

Is It Bad To Shaved Pomeranian

If you are thinking that you are doing a favor in your Pomeranian by shaving him, you will be doing more damage than good. Pomeranian have double coats which help to keep their body and prevent them from being in an outer environment. Shaving your loving Pomeranian can put your pet at risk for coldness, skin cancer, sunburn, and PCA (post-clipping alopecia).

shaved pomeranian

4 Myths About Shaving Pomeranian

Before deciding to shave your Pomeranian hair, better familiarize yourself with the myths and truths out there. It’s more important to keep in mind than you might imagine. 

Shaving A Pomeranian’s Coat Will Prevent Shedding

It is not true. Despite the shaving of your Pomeranian’s coat, it will continue to shed. The only difference is that your Pomeranian coat shed will be shorter than usual. This might be more difficult to remove from clothes, furniture and carpets.

Shaving Your Pomeranian Will Keep Him Cool During The Summer

shaved pomeranian

No, the undercoat that sheds allows the Pomeranian to feel cool during the summer season. The pomeranian coat helps to maintain their body temperature in the winter and summer. If you shave your Pomeranian fur then you won’t be helping your furry friend. 

Instead of shaving, you can manage your Pomeranian’s coat with a regular brushing. Brushing will not only make the coat lighter but will also prevent the formation of mating. If the coat is well-maintained, then there will be no need of shaving because there won’t be mats which untangling is impossible. So you need to avoid shaving your loving Pomeranian. 

shaved pomeranian

Your Pomeranian’s Fur will Grow Back

Sometimes the fur will recover from the shaving, but at other times it won’t. This is a dangerous myth of all. You can expect the undercoat that sheds to regrow but the outer one which serves as a protection for the inner might never be the same as the usual. 

Shaving Your Pomeranian Will Help Your Allergy

shaved pomeranian

If your Pomeranaian’s fur causes you to sneeze, your eyes to water and your nose to be clogged. In this case, shaving could be the solution, but it does not affect the main source of allergy. 

People who are allergic to dogs are actually allergic to the dog’s dander, not to the fur. Dander is transmitted by the dog’s hair. Usually, dander is caught in the dog’s undercoat and if you shave it, chances are you will be even more exposed to the allergen that is making you struggle more. 

Potential Issues Of Shaving To Your Pomeranian

Getting rid of your Pomeranian’s natural double-coat can lead to a litany of issues. These are a few of the most frequent possible problems: 

It May Not Grow Back

Yes, there is a chance that your loving Pomeranian could end up with short hair forever. Those owners who have shaved their Pomeranian in the past might tell you that this is nothing more than a rumor. 

Not every Pomeranian with short hair gets to have their coats grow back fully. Your Pomeranian will not grow their fur back as it was. The newly grown fur can be shorter than usual. Even if it does grow back without any issues, then prepare yourself for a long wait, typically it may take more than one year to grow back to its pre-shave length. 

The Fur Might Grow Back Wrong

If you are lucky and you do not experience any follicle damage, there is a good chance that your Pomeranian will experience some form of damage. In many cases, one fur of your dog comes out unscathed while the other type will never grow back the same. 

The delicate undercoat usually sees the most damage. It may grow back slowly and much thinner. This undercoat protects your dog from the environmental element, so damage is a big loss. 

Shaving Exposes Them To Sun Damage

shaved pomeranian

Sunburn is a genuine risk for your Pomeranian. Another, Pomeranian with a shorter than one inch coat has more risk of sunburn damage. Once again, the coat works as a savior for your loving Pomeranian. 

The density of the undercoat helps to break up the harmful sun rays and protect from burning and the overcoat reflects the rays away. When you shave your Pomeranian then it won’t take a long time to get burned for your furry friend.  

No Fur Increase The Sign Of Skin Cancer

A fur protects your dog from skin cancer, if you shave their fur then the chance of skin cancer is enhanced. That’s not to say that the unshaven Pomeranian is immune to the disease, however a double coat makes a huge difference. 

The constant bombardment of the UV rays can cause skin cancer in your Pomeranian. You might not see the effects right now, but daily walk in the sun without any protection can spell skin cancer.

It Could Lead To Overheating

If you are thinking that shaving can help your Pomeranian to stay cool, you are wrong. Sure, the skin will have more exposure to cool air, but it will experience more heat. Both layers of coat help to stay your Pomeranian cool and do a lot to reflect the heat. 

In higher skin surface temperature, your Pomeranian will start panting excessively. If you don’t address the high temperature, in this case your Pomeranian suffers from heat strokes.  

Debunking Common Pomeranian Hair Myths

shaved pomeranian

Shaving A Pomeranian Helps To Prevent Shedding

shaved pomeranian

Getting rid of most of the hair is not going to do a thing to stop shedding. Shedding is a natural process so shaving is not the solution. In response, the amount of shedding will increase than usual. Long chunks of hair that you can easily pickup with your finger, but the tiny pieces can scratch your skin. 

Getting Rid Of Fur Will Alleviate The Allergy Issues

People who are allergic to dogs, typically not allergic to dog’s hair. Dander causes the allergic issues, Dander is the dead skin cells that are present on the dog’s body. Dander usually falls off with the fur, your dog will release dander regardless of whether their fur is long or short. 

The double coat helps catch the stray dander, but the shaving is the counterproductive that makes  the allergic issues worse. 

shaved pomeranian

It Will Grow Without Any Issue

Some dogs can regrow their coat without any problem, but follicle damage is the risk. It will be shorter than previous and it will take a long period of time to regrow. The coat will not grow as usual.  

A Shaved Pomeranian Is Better Off In Summer Heat

Your Pomeranian relies on their coat in all weather conditions, it’s not just the protections against heat. During the summer season, the coat will protect them from sun rays to get to the skin, it will also promote airflow, which will help to keep your dog cool. 

Shaving A Pomeranian Is Only A Temporary Change

shaved pomeranian

Shaving a Pomeranian is not a temporary change, fur takes a long time to grow back. Shaving can lead to life-long coat problems that will change the way of life of your loving Pomeranian. 

Will A Shaved Pomeranian Hair Grow Back

Your shaved Pomeranian hairs may not grow back. Even If it regrows, it may not grow back to the same length, texture and straightness. There are few tips you can do to help to regrow your Pomeranian’s hair after shaving. Some tips are given below;

Get Your Pomeranian On A Healthy Diet

A healthy and balanced diet will help your Pom to regrow hair after cutting. Proteins in your Pomeranian’s diet form the fur strand and other healthy vitamins, fats and minerals will help to promote the growth of those strands.

Add Multivitamin Supplements To The Mix

Giving your Pomeranian multivitamin supplements can help them regrow back their coat. The most important vitamin are given below;

  • Vitamins like vitamin A, E and C.
  • Members of vitamin B complex like B1, B2, B6, and B12
  • Supplements with minerals like zinc could also come in handy. 

Try Hair Growth Essential Oils

Using essential oils can also help to regrow your Pomeranian hair. There are many things that come for promoting the growth of your Pomeranian’s fur include flaxseed, grapeseed, evening primrose, and horsetail extracts. 

Consult A Professional

You also need to consult your Pomeranians from professionals like groomers and veterinarians. Veterinarians will help you identify any underlying skin condition that may be delaying the regrowth of your Pomeranian’s coat.   

Cons Of Shaving A Pomeranian👁

  • Removes their natural protection from the elements
  • Inconsistent re-growth
  • Does not decrease shedding (may make it worse)
  • Causes increased matting when regrowing hair
  • Can damage skin
  • Shaving makes your furry friend more susceptible to skin cancer. 
Pomeranian Summer Care


Regular trimming and trips to the dog groomer is fine for your Pomeranian. You can even work with the groomer to style your Pomeranian. Shaving your puppy’s fur puts you at risk for long-term damage. The coat of your dog avoids many environmental damages, like sunburn, skin cancer and also helps to keep your dog cool. 

If you are allergic to dogs then shaving is not the solution. People who are allergic to dogs are typically allergic to dander. Dander is dead skin cells that fall off from the dog’s body. So stay away from the shaver and look for another way to manage your dog’s fur, like regular brushing and bathing.  

Pomeranian Summer Care


No, shaving is not fine for your Pomeranian. Shaving Pomeranian may damage the hair follicles. Shaving can severely hinder their ability to keep themselves warm and cool as required. 

Some dogs can regrow their coat without any problem, but follicle damage is the risk. It will be shorter than previous and it will take a long period of time to regrow. The coat will not grow as usual.  

There are many dog breeds that rely on their double coats to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer season such as Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, and Bernese Mountain Dogs.

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